Scope of Economics

Scope of Economics

 Economies of scope are "efficiencies formed by variety, not volume". In economics, "economies" is synonymous with cost savings, and "scope" is synonymous with broadening production/services through diversified products. (Wikipedia)

The part of economics whose subject matter of study is individual units, i.e. a consumer, a household, a firm, an industry, etc. It analyses the way in which the decisions are taken by the economic agents, concerning the allocation of the resources that are limited in nature. It studies consumer behaviour, product pricing, firm’s behaviour. Factor pricing, etc.

Macro Economics: It is that branch of economics which studies the entire economy, instead of individual units, i.e. level of output, total investment, total savings, total consumption, etc. Basically, it is the study of aggregates and averages. It analyses the economic environment as a whole, wherein the firms, consumers, households, and governments make decisions. 

It covers areas like national income, general price level, the balance of trade and balance of payment, level of employment, level of savings and investment. The fundamental difference between micro and macro economics lies in the scale of study. Further, in microeconomics, more importance is given to the determination of price, whereas macroeconomics is concerned with the determination of income of the economy as a whole.


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