Historical Development of International Law

 International Law

Historical Development of International Law

International Law is also known as public international law or law of nations,
 the body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors

Dutch scholar Hugo Grotius ( born 1583) has been celebrated as the father of international law. The evolution of modern international law was done by a British historical lawyer Maine.

The rise of international law mainly happened during the 19th Century with the rise of powerful States surrounding Europe.

The Warsaw pact was organized by the Soviet Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established by the United States.

The permanent Court of International Justice was established in 1921 after World War first and was succeeded in 1946 the International Court of Justice.

Development of International Law: 

From the end of world war second until the 1990s most events that threatened international peace and security were connected to the cold war between the Soviet Union and its allies and the us-led Western Alliance. The UN Security Council was unable to function as intended because resolutions proposed by one side were likely to be voted by the other.


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