
Gene Therapy and CRISPR cas-9

  More about CRISPR cas-9:  CRISPR cas-9 was first discovered in bacteria in 1986-87.  It was thoroughly studied in 2007 and in 2012, it was used for human genome editing for the first time.  According to the world-famous journal The Science, it was the biggest scientific achievement of the decade.  The genetic sequence of g-RNA can be modified and changed so that it can target the faulty gene in the human genome and this can be used to remove the faulty gene.This CRISPR cas-9 technique is so important that even a noble award has been given for its discovery.  CRISPR cas-9 is the most advanced and most accurate technology to modify or edit the genome of an organism.  CRISPR cas-9 is naturally present in bacteria as an immunity system against bacteriophage. Benefits of CRISPR Cas-9:  CRISPR cas-9 will give a major boost to gene therapy because of its accuracy.  In 2017, American doctors used this technology to edit the genome of an embryo for the treatment of the heart disea

Powers And Priviledges Of Members Of Parliament

Powers And Priviledges Of Members Of Parliament What is Parliament? A cornerstone of democratic ideals in any representative democracy is parliament, which serves as a forum for debate on matters of social and civic importance in any popular democracy. Though the notion of Parliament has its roots in European nations dating back to the Middle Ages, it has been an integral feature of India's democratic framework from the country's creation. Both houses of parliament were established following the first general election in 1952. It should be emphasised that the Constituent Assembly served as the interim legislative body after the Constitution was enacted and until regular elections, which occurred between 1950 and 1952.[1] Composition of Parliament Article 79 of the Constitution specifies the organisation of parliament. The President and the two chambers, the Lower House or House of People and the Upper House or Council of States, are listed as members of Parliament.[2] The Rajya


  IMPOSSIBLE ATTEMPTS section 511           for youtube video

ESSENTIAL OF ATTEMPTS | प्रयासों की अनिवार्यता

  ESSENTIAL OF ATTEMPTS प्रयासों की अनिवार्यता for youtube video

difference between preparation and attempt

  difference between preparation and attempt for youtube video

Definition of Crime (अपराध की परिभाषा )

  Definition of Crime (अपराध की परिभाषा ) for youtube video

Introduction of Criminal Law, Extent and operation of the Indian Penal Code

Introduction of Criminal Law, Extent and operation of the Indian Penal Code                                                                           1 2 For youtube video

Right to Equality

  The Fundamental Right to Equality is related to  Equality before Law (Article 14), Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex, or Place of Birth (Article 15), Equal Opportunity in matters of Public Employment  (Article 16), Abolition of Untouchability (Article 17), and Abolition of Titles( Article 18) The Constitution says that the government shall not deny to any person in India equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws. It means that the laws apply in the same manner to all, regardless of a person’s status. This is called the rule of law. Rule of law is the foundation of any democracy. It means that no person is above the law. There cannot be any distinction between a political leader, government official and an ordinary citizen. Every citizen, from the Prime Minister to a small farmer in a remote village, is subjected to the same laws. No person can legally claim any special treatment or privilege just because he or she happens to be a

Fundamental rights

  There are six fundamental rights of Indian Constitution  which is given in followinga Right to Freedom (Article 19-22) Right against Exploitation (Article 23-24) Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28) Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29-30) Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32) HINDI  ............................................................................................................................. भारतीय संविधान के छह मौलिक अधिकार हैं जो निम्नलिखित में दिए गए हैं स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार (अनुच्छेद 19-22) शोषण के विरुद्ध अधिकार (अनुच्छेद 23-24) धर्म की स्वतंत्रता का अधिकार (अनुच्छेद 25-28) सांस्कृतिक और शैक्षिक अधिकार (अनुच्छेद 29-30) संवैधानिक उपचार का अधिकार (अनुच्छेद 32)

About Author circle ⭕

More About Author The author is a creative-minded person, a hard worker, And always tries to learn some new things. And he believes that he is not alone but he also has his friends and allies with him who always help him to move forward. some of his best friends ADITYA(from childhood) SANJIT(from childhood) Rinki Verma (10th class*) SHYAMSUNDAR ASHU SHALINI LAXMI ABHI DEEPAK VIKASH PAL  (from childhood) SONU (from childhood) PRINCE (from childhood) BIRENDRA (from childhood) SETHI (from childhood) NITESH(from childhood) SWETA  (from childhood) RAJESH(from childhood) SIDDHARTHA (from childhood) DEEPU (from childhood) DIWAKAR(NETA BHAI  childhood name) (from childhood) ZAKIR (from childhood) SURAJ BHARTI (from childhood) JAHARUDDIN (from childhood) JAHARUDDIN(10TH CLASS) IMAM (10TH CLASS) ABHISHEK BHAI G (10TH CLASS) ADITYA(from childhood) SANJIT(from childhood) Rinki Verma ❤️ (updated pic)                                                        2 Aug 1999 Ashu bhai 👇 ABHI 29 Feb Deepak S

Definition of State

Definition and Essential Characteristics of State                               or Definition of State and Elements of State                               or Definition of State and Features of State Table of contents Meaning of State Definition of State    Definition of State by different thinkers Elements of State   Population   Territory   Government   Sovereignty 1 2 3 4 5 6 NOTE 👉 Thise is handwritten notes so it may be some fault in this so author will not be responsible for that fault.  

Importance of the Study of Political Science

 Importance of the Study of Political Science handwritten notes                                    1 2 NOTE 👉Thise is handwritten notes so it may be some fault in this so author will not be responsible for that fault.

Kheda Satyagraha (1918)

  Kheda Satyagraha (1918)               First Non-Cooperation Because of drought in 1918, the crops failed in Kheda district of Gujarat. According to the Revenue Code, if the yield was less than one-fourth the normal produce, the farmers were entitled to remission. The Gujarat Sabha, consisting of the peasants, submitted petitions to the highest governing authorities of the province requesting that the revenue assessment for the year 1919 be suspended. The government, however, remained adamant and said that the property of the farmers would be seized if the taxes were not paid. Gandhi asked the farmers not to pay the taxes. Gandhi, however, was mainly the spiritual head of the struggle. It was Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and a group of other devoted Gandhians, namely, Narahari Parikh, Mohanlal Pandya and Ravi Shankar Vyas,who went around the villages, organised the villagers and told them what to do and gave the necessary political leadership. Patel along with his colleagues organised the